Lindsay Lohan is now claiming that of the night that she snuck out of the sober house she was living at in Betty Ford, she wasn't getting drunk. Apparently, or so she claims, and remember that Lindsay Lohan is a liar, she was drinking Shirley Temples which are a non alcoholic cocktail. Of course if she wasn't drinking alcohol then there would be no reason for her to refuse a breathalyzer test and she DID refuse one from what I can tell because no one at Betty Ford has denied that happened. People are also speculating that maybe she was advised by her mom Dina to refuse the breathalyzer and Dina is pretty fucking dumb and pathetic but even she wouldn't be stupid enough to tell LiLo not to take the breathalyzer because refusing a breathalyzer is the same as a dirty test and that automatically lands LiLo in jail for an additional six months. What it all comes down to is Lindsay Lohan may need to go to rehab to get help with her addiction(s) but what the chick really needs is a SERIOUS attitude adjustment and that is something she will only get at jail with Big Bertha and The Betty's threatening to shove random objects up your ass at any given moment in the clink. Of course LiLo is the shallow type of loser who would go to jail and actually like it there so she will probably be in and out of the prison system for the remainder of her life. Her life sucks. I wouldn't trade ANYTHING to be ANYTHING like Lindsay Lohan.