OK I am not a big fan of reality show. I just wanna say that right off the bat. I don't watch
Teen Mom or
Jersey Shore or any of that other bullshit because it is a waste of time. Most of tv is a waste of my time in my opinion. Why veg out on the couch when I have so much going on right here on the internet? Anyway, there is this chick named Amber Portwood who is a teen mom I guess and she has been arrested on domestic abuse which is a felony for beating her boyfriend on multiple occasions since 2009. This isn't
that big of a deal because I am sure whatever network produces her show will bend over backwards to not lose their cash s=cow and will provide her with an attorney and her bail is only $5k to begin with. I am sure the baby daddy will come in and say, " Ipromise not to press charges as long as you let me see my baby." Blah blah. Anyway, unless this bitch is accused of lap dancing Santa Claus, you will probably not see her on this blog again.