Lindsay Lohan is being charged with battery after she pushed a staff member at Betty Ford. Of course this chick just wants to get her name in the paper and maybe make a little bit of moolah (if LiLo had any moolah) at the same time. Lindsay is insisting that she was touched first but that doesn't necessarily matter and since she was just busted with a couple chicks who were getting tanked, pushing a high level staff member of the rehab clinic the court ordered you to be at isn't necessarily the best choice in her life at the moment. I am sure LiLo will still go back to jail shortlly after she gets out of Betty Ford because this chick doesn't understand the concept of staying out of trouble. She will get drunk or stoned or both and this time she will not get a cozy seat at a rehab clinic. She will be in the barred stripey place with all the other delinquents.