Dr. Drew was having some sort of seminar or some shit and he told someone that he expects Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, or Brangelina to us, are headed for a "nuclear split". Nothing in the world would make me happier but the douchebag extrordinaire Dr. Drew is now saying that he was speaking hypothetically and that his comments were never supposed to go public. I could give a flying fuck less if Dr. Drew gets bad press cause of some shit that came out of his diarreah mouth because this dude sucks. He capitalizes on people's suffering with Celebrity Rehab and Sober House and I hope curiosity gets the best of him for this good doctor and decides to shove a needle in his arm "just for fun" sometime and see how bad things can really get. I just don't wanna hear a "professional" opinion on something like addiction from someone who has not been there. If you wanna contact Dr. Drew and let him know what a fucktard he is, you can get ahold of him on Twitter ( @DrDrew).