Angelina Jolie was on Larry King Live last night ( that guy isn't dead already?) and she was asked about her children. When talking about the future of her family she said that having more kids either by getting pregnant or adopting was not out of the question. If she did have another kid, adopting or otherwise, she would have seven kids total. That shit is just too much. And when Brad gets older and starts to have a true midlife crisis at 50, well, let's just say that things are not going to turn out pretty. He will abandon the brood I am sure. I have been making that prediction for years now really because I have no respect for Brad Pitt. As for Angie, I think she is past the healthy point to have kids biologically. Getting pregnant at her age, there is a big chance of malformations and mental retardation etc. I don't like Brangelina but that doesn't mean I want them to have fucked up kids so even though people think that Angie is tooo good of a humanitarian and that she should not adopt again, I truly think that is the best route to go.