According to FemaleFirst , Jessica Simpson is wanting to go nude in an upcoming movie so she can put her acting career on the map. I know
what you're thinking, 'what acting career?' But apparently she thought
it would be a good idea, to tell the world anyway, that she is ready to
go full frontal in her upcoming role. Now that doesn't mean we are going
to get a movie chock full of Jessica Simpson nude scenes, she already
turned down the role to play Jenna Jameson. A source said: " Jessica
is in the running for a rol ethat, if she gets it, will put her right on the
map in terms of acting. The only hitch is that the script requires a number
of quite graphic scenes including a full-frontal nude scene. Jessica is so
desperate to land the role and get the industry's respect that shes ready
to go against her better judgement, and her family, by agreeing to bare
all." Now if you just read the same thing I just read than it is probably
the best news you have heard in months. Her father Joe already knocked
the porn film to the dirt and now he is trying to damper Jessica's career
further by saying she shouldn't take this role either. I say fuck him. If
Jessica can't approve scripts by herself , and not listen to daddy for
all her movie ambitions then she might as well shack back up with that
loser Nick Lachey and start questioning the ingredient content in Chicken
of the Sea tuna again.