It is being reported that Shawn Holley, Lindsay Lohan's lawyer, is trying to hammer out a plea deal with the judge in the grand theft case and a lot of people saying that the judge, Keith Schwarts, is a settlement judge and will more than likely give Lindsay Lohan 3 months if she pleas out. Also, for some fucked up reason, California will probably release her after doing only 20% of her time because of overcrowding. So the total jail time served? 18 days. WTF. I am amazed how Lindsay Lohan has caught lucky break after lucky break. And wtf does she do as a free woman? Harass her ex-girlfriend and go clubbing. Waste of fucking space. I am looking forward to the court hearing and I am also hoping that the judge isn't a pussy and doesn't come to a settlement. LiLo needs to face reality and realize that when you break the law, you do the time. I am still totally on #TeamLindsay but she needs to take responsibility for her actions. Period.