Jessica Simpson dreams about having children- Celeb Baby Laundry
RPatz and KStew are too good for you- Celebrity Dirty Laundry
Brad Womack is marrying a super hot hotty- Ear Sucker
Shannon Tweed's body still has it- Fit Fab Celeb
Who is REALLY to blame for the VHud nude pic scandal?- Have U Heard
Lindsay Lohan had an exiety attack- Hilary Shepherd
Derek Jeter is on the cover of GQ- Hollywood Hiccups
Amanda Seyfried thinks she is a musician now- I Need My Fix
Britney Spears is on yet another magazine cover- Mathew Guiver
Emma Watson is the new face of Lancome- Oh The Scandal
Vanessa Hudgens is on the cover of Shape- Swanky Celebs
James Holzier is going places- The Skinny Chic