It seems that more than just a handful of celebrities are getting their e-mail and cell phones hacked for the purposes of exposing nude pics to share with the big, beautiful world. All this bullshit started with Vanessa Hudgens that didn't want her nude pics leaked (but did anyway) because she is too embarassed to admit that she has never owned a razor. Hey, some dudes are in to that shit. Like Zac Efron that likes to pretend he is banging a dude. Now Natalie POrtman, Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Alba and Miley Cyrus are said to have nude pics of them in posession of this hacker and that you can expect for their nudes to leak anytime soon. Of course the FBI is closing in on whatever group is doing this so the hacker(s) better get off their ass and leak these pics already so I can save them to my comp permanently.