Crossing the Blues
It seems that Kim Kardashian is not happy with being one of the most famous people in the world and holding the Guiness World Record of having the largest ass on earth and wants to try her hand at music. Of course the only musician out there that made a healthy transition from..whatever the fuck Kim Kardashian does into music is Scarlett Johanssen. Of course no one really goes to her concerts for music but mostly just to stare at her boobs but I guess that is what will be going on with Kim. Only people will be staring at her ass and not her boobs. Unless she plans on singing with her ass facing the crowd, I doubt her career will go anywhere. I am definitely not looking forward to seeing Kim sing but she may surprise us. And that other guy in the photo? That is The Dream who helped Rihanna and Beyonce throw together some hits. Sad, sad man.