Crossing the Blues

La Lohan Was Interviewed

Posted by mista
There have been reports since before Lindsay went to jail that she would fetch a cool million for her first post prison/rehab interview. Who has that kind of scratch to waste on a pointless LiLo interview? Vanity Fair. In the interview she calls herself "a damn good actress" even though she hasn't worked on a movie in God knows how long and none of the producers and directors in Hollywood want to have anything to do with her. I watched that kokamamie movie Labor Pains and she SERIOUSLY doesn't know how to act. I used to love Lindsay and I guess I still do in some strange way but I don't like her nearly as much as I used to before she looked like she was 40 years old and had a bad attitude about everything. She had hope once and all of that is gone now. Also in the interview she talks a little bit about her "trama" from her father like he is this evil man when all he really wants to do is help. I feel sorry for the whole family. What else is discussed in the interview? She says she "never" abused prescription meds even though she just weened herself off amphetamines. She also says she "dabbled" with other drugs because she was young and dumb. This takes me to a flashback of Nicole Richie talking about "dabbling" with heroin. I am not sure if LiLo has gone that far down the drug path but if she hasn't already, give her time.