This is a story from the National Enquirer and reprinted by Celebitchy so you should take it with a grain of salt and also take Celebitchy with a grain of salt cause their reporting sucks and this is probably the last time I will link to them. Anyway, understandably Selena Gomez's parents were pissed that she took off her purity ring. You know that band of metal that you put on your finger which represents a promise to your parents,friends and God that you will not have sex until you are married? All the Jonas brothers wore one until the eldest got hitched then he fucked the shit out of his latina Ashley Tisdale til her ovaries didn't work anymore. I say when you're young, have fun. Fuck purity rings. They are for goodie-goodies. And besides, she took it off for Justin Bieber. That dude needs to get some action. With all the pussy that is thrown at him on a regular basis, he needs to indulge every now and then.