to get a D-List reality show on TV, it must be hard to
heard such offenseive comments. I am sure when ex
fiancee Kerri Whittington blasted Kevin Federline for
possibly cheating on Britney Spears, Kevin was just
too busy making his show to stand up and prove to the
world that he was a champ. Yea right. Whoever this
aweful woman is, she crawled out of the trailer park for
her 15 seconds of fame. Saying,"It wouldn't surprise me if
he cheated on Britney Spears.He was forever in Vegas partying
with his buddies and girls.There are more than enough stories
of him getting close to strippers.It's a joke.He's horrible.
He's an embarrassment." Too true. Of course he isn't as
much of an embarrassment as his now Paris canoodling,
coochie flashing, career destroying wife. I personally
do not blame him on any count of cheating on Britney Spears
after seeing that 10th round K.O. poon of hers. I want
to remind people of something. KFed is married to Britney
Spears. Their divorce is not final. They are still husband and wife.
I know, I do not like it either. As long as I am reminding people
of that, I will go on to remind of something else that is inevitable
in the matrix that is KFed. He isn't going anywhere. He
is going to continue to see his kids,even if he loses custody, and
he will still continue to be more corny and D-Listy as Flavor Flav.
So before you write off this desperate couch-potatoe.Remember
he will be in the headlines for the next few years.[Source]