This doesn't surprise me at all. I mean why shouldn't she
be voted Most Searched on the internet. She is the most famous
person in the world. That is the truth. However, she is not most
search celeb, or most searched female, or person, or slut. She is
the most search Thing on the internet. More searched for than
poker. Which is almost a double entundra. I personally search for
Paris Hilton about 5 times a day. As we have seen in the past,
former most searched for women go on to become Playmates.
I hope this is the same situation. I mean, thats alot of crotch flashes,
nipple slips,aneibriated make-outs,car wrecks,bitch fights, chiwawa
tormenting, boy friend stealing,club hopping, rumor spreading,
and life wrecking. She deserves to get the vote. AOL and Lycos
released the Most Searched of 2006 this Wed. " This annual list of
top searches is a fun way to look back at the year and see what
sparked interest." Said Timothy Tuttle, AOL Video VP. So what
does she beat out? Weather.iPod.Poker.MySpace.Iraq. And
every other thing on this earth Paris Hilton probably has no idea
exists. This is amazing. All I can say, "That's hot." [Source]