You know those annoying Jessica Simpson commercials?
The ones for DIRECTV where she is talking like a redneck hick
that she is. What she says in the commercial isn't true. "Broadcast
in 1080i. I have no idea what that means but I want it." I am sure
she is being truthful that her dumb blonde ditz ass doesn't know
what that means. But the satcaster who is claiming that is the
picture quality for DIRECTV, just isn't so. Time Warner is now
suing DIRECTV and pulling all of the Jessica Simpson commercials.
Now, I could care less about the loss of quality on my DIRECTV,
I am just let down that I don't get to look at Jessica SImpson in
her short shorts anymore. But I still have the internet. I leave you
with this boobalicious picture of Jessica Simpson to ponder over
her failing and laughable career. [ Source]