another picture of him with Britney and he was holding
out his hand as if to say"don't tae a picture I don't wanna
be the next KFed." He is Jonathan Rotem. J.R. That's
original. If he's not careful he's gonna be J-Rot. He's a
music producer in Hollywood. He's worked with Snoop Dogg
and Paris Hilton. Right, so she blows off Pharrell and works
with a guy who thinks Paris Hilton has talent. If she spent
a little more time working on her CD and a little less time
proving her whoring abilities, she would probably be touring
the country right now banking millions.She still has a chance
of proving she has musical talent, right now, she is just showing
the world she is famous for being famous. A nothing photo op
cause she has done nothing to be considered actual work.
Good luck Britney, I hope you have some semblance of a career when you are done with your little phase.[ Source]