tricking her into wearing real fur onstage. The Italian designer
"slipped it" into her wardrobe for her european tour for
Back To Basics. Christina Aguilera does not wear fur. She is
a active advocate for PETA. The president of PETA Dan Matthews
tipped XTina off and set her video of white foxes, the fur in question,
getting electrocuted anally. This freaked me out. They anally
electrocute foxes? Why not just electrocute them regularly?
Anyway, I am sure Xtina took it back to her dressing room and
jacked off to the footage. The designer has been fired from all
upcoming slutification gigs. In Christina's defense, she only
wore the fur fo ra few minutes. She soon stripped it off and
was wearing practically nothing in 2.5 seconds of the performance.
[ Source]