Spelling picture I could find. Which is almost an oxymoron.
News is she is going to write a book. Yea apparently
she knows how to write things other than a check. So
She tells USA Today that she will write the book while she
has time. What with being pregnant and making a half ass
reality series with husband Dean McDermott about them
running a bed and breakfast on The Oxygen Network, she
has no real time to actually do something that would
require braincells. And of course she is going to use a
ghostwriter. Beleive it or not Simon and Schuster is going
to publish it. I mean I guess they'll publish anything.
She will write about plastic surgery and how she was never
in a physically abusive relationship,just verbal. However
if she had sex with the guy while they were together I
suggest that is physical abuse on her part. She will also
write about how when her father died at 83 on June 23
he left her less than $1 million in a $300 million estate.
Reguarding her destitute lack of cash she says,
"You have to take everything with a grain of salt. I am
not ashamed to admit circumstances have changed, and
you work with things the best you can.Its important for
me to tell people about the struggles. I found that money
can't buy love." If by struggles she means having access to
less than $10 million at any given time fo rthe past 6 months
then yes, that is a dilemma, for a multi billionare.I look
forward to reading this. Or looking at the pictures which is
what this book will be judging by the author. I hope to
god they put this in the wildlife section.