in sluttiness and avoiding Lindsay Lohan, Hilton has had
almost no time to herself to prove to the world what a
dumbass she is. Apparently she was out on a date, and
she wasn't liking the guy who was in front of her. Thinking
he wasn't her "type." Meaning less than $150mil in the bank.
So she decided to fake an emergency call from her mom.Contact
music reports her as saying,"I was out with this guy and after
5 minutes I totally new he was not my type.So I pretend my mum
was on the phone adn I had to go home urgently.But while I
pretended to be on the phone with her, it started ringing.
So he knew I wasn't really speaking to her." Wow, I
am surprised this guy hadn't already had sex with her that
far into the date. He had to be a loser. I mean who goes on a
date with Paris Hilton and doesn't get laid. Here's a pic of
her practicing her notorious nipple slip. I have no idea when
it is from, but here anyway.