Crossing the Blues
December 04, 2006 21:51 IST,

Pakistan's President General Pervez Musharraf for the first time says that Pakistan is prepared to give up its claim to Kashmir if India and Pakistan agree on the four-point solution (a solution in which boundaries are not changed and India does not have to give up any territory).

In an interview to NDTV, excerpts of which will be broadcast on the News Tonight on December 5, when President Musharraf is asked "so you are prepared to give up your claim to Kashmir, he replies "We will have to. Yes. If this solution comes up".

Musharraf also says in the interview, "We are on the same position as we were since 1948. We both ought to be prepared to give up all that we have been saying."

Musharraf also makes it clear that if the four point solution (which includes: no change in boundaries of Kashmir, to make borders and the LoC irrelevant, staggered demilitarisation, and autonomy or self-governance with joint supervision mechanism) is agreed upon. Pakistan will also give up on the UN resolutions and its long-standing demand for a plebiscite.

Dr Prannoy Roy: One thing in your solution. I will just be very clear so that the people of India can know this clearly. You are being, in a way, extremely bold, because it means, that you are giving up plebiscite and giving up the UN resolution?

Musharraf: Again there is little bit of ... One is giving up that clearly and I say, yes am giving up...There is a provision in that. Am not giving up ... At all ... But one is prepared to give up, in case India leaves its stated position also...

Dr Prannoy Roy: Right. If this formula is agreed to you, you will give that up, basically...

Musharraf: Both sides ... Listen, I believe when you are negotiating and you go for peace, it means what? It means compromise... otherwise you can't have and ... you can't go for a solution of a problem... What do you mean by compromise? Compromise can never take place if you don't step back. Compromise inherently means stepping back by both sides. So inherently, both sides have to give up their positions... and step back. If one of us is not prepared to step back, we will not reach a solution.

Dr Prannoy Roy: If India does accept this, you will step back and give up those demands...

Musharraf: Yes...we will have to.

The Pakistani President also made it clear once Pakistan gives up its claim to Kashmir, this four point solution is not a negotiating step towards getting independence for Kashmir and that self-governance or autonomy is not the first step to Kashmir's independence.

Dr Prannoy Roy: When you talk about self governance of Kashmir ...We wont not go into the details... that we will leave the bureaucrats and...

Musharraf: Yes, legal side...

Dr Prannoy Roy: Are you then saying, No independence for Kashmir'?

Musharraf: Yes, we are against independence....

Dr Prannoy Roy: You are against independence?

Musharraf: Absolutely... And so is India...

Courtesy: NDTV
