It is being reported now by TMZ that Lindsay Lohan has a bench warrant out for her arrest. It is being held until 8:30 am on Friday which means...I dunno. I guess it means it will not go into effect until then or they are trying to arrest ASAP and get her in court before then. I love weeks like this. When Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton are battling it out for over partied headlines. It is good stuff. Also, the other drug test she failed was for amphetamines. That report just coming out within the past few minutes as well. We all know she was addict to and prescribed Adderall which is a very strong amphetamine but I don't know if she had connections for that on the street. So it might be meth. Still not sure. That report will come out soon enough too. I hope Lindsay turns herself in now and gets her 60 days in the clink over and done with. AND NO OVER CROWDING!