The former Miss World, who recently confirmed her engagement to Bollywood superstar Abhishek Bachchan, is alleged to have agreed to the ritual to overcome differences in the couple's astrological charts - disparities which traditional Hindus believe have negative consequences on marriage.
Under this ancient belief, Rai is considered a 'manglik' because her chart bears the planet Mars, and she must be 'married' to a peepal tree, a banana tree or a silver or golden idol of the Hindu god Vishnu in order to overcome the devastating effects being a 'manglik' could have on her impending nuptials.
The 33-year-old now faces a civil lawsuit for practicing the 'untouchability' service, which is associated with the caste system, because such ceremonies are in violation of the Indian constitution and are deemed offensive to women.
The lawsuit was filed in Patna, India by lawyer Shruti Singh, who is calling for Rai and her family to issue a public apology for the 'false marriages'.
The Bachchan family has refused to comment on the allegations.