Crossing the Blues

It is being reported on FOXNews that Kevin Federline
has a hearing in court today to obtain custody of their
two children. I gotta say this is the right time to act.
Wednesday after Britney Spears exited rehab, Kevin
Federline got a petition for "an emergency hearing in
family court." A Superior Court spokeman Allan Parachini
has said, " Our best information is: he will be here, she won't.
But anything is possible." Sounds to me like Britney is gonna
lose the shorties. And it seems that KFed has an airtight
case to gain custody. KFed has cleaned up and I have read
he has quit smokin dope so he can obtain custody. Also KFed
hasn't done anything to show he is mentally incapable of taking
care of two kids. And though he doesn't have cash like Spears,
he has more than enough to care for the two kids. Britney did
see a lawyer yesturday, but apparently the lawyer specializes
in paparazzi matters reguarding Britney getting pissed about
her photo being taken at Promises. Of course this move on KFed
is not to be unexpected. He had a large argument with Britney
at her Malibu home where KFed said he was going to have
her hair tested for drugs, citing her to shave it all off. I will
keep a watch on this story. And I actually hope KFed gets the