Crossing the Blues

If anyone is sick of Paris and Nicole then they must not
like pop culture. In the next season of The Simple Life Paris
and Nicole will be camp counselors. Fat camp, couples camp,
and even cheerleading camp. With the newly released
photos from Parisexposed, and Nicole Richie getting skinnier
by the second, I have no doubt that many people will
tune in to see what their antics lead them to. I also want
to see what 300 lb. people have to say to Nicole Richie
when they are at the fat camp trying to lose the weight
equivalent to one Nicole Richie. What kind of advice to
Paris and Nicole have for couples camp? 'So like date
a guy, make a porno, make an ass out of yourself, embarass
those closest, and then do it again.' Watch for the new season
on FOX in the not to far future. The season will take place
at Malibu's JCA Shalom.