Jessica Alba has signed on to make a movie with
kinghell Scientologist Tom Cruise. The name of the
movie is "The Eye" and Jessica will be playing a blind
violinist. The movie is produced by Cruise-Wagner
Productions, and is going to be filmed in New Mexico
this summer. I think Jessica Alba is an amazing actress
and I am glad to see her finally break away from that
Fantastic Four, COMICON, Star Trek crowd. She will
finally get back to doing what she does best. Being hot.
I have no idea if she is going to be a hot violinist, but I am
sure she will squeeze some sort of skimpy outfit in there
somewhere. This is just Tom Cruise's sly way of getting
to make out with the hottest chick in Hollywood and not
have tabloids up his ass about cheating on Katie. Alba got
a head start in rehearsing for the role, "I have been practicing.
I wear a sleep mask and carry a cane to get around with."
Jessica was quoted as saying. This movie is a thriller, and
since it is starring Jessica Alba I will go see it, since it is
co-starring Tom Cruise I will not like it.