No, not for all the typical reasons. The former president
of the United States was out with Desperate Houseslut
Teri Hatcher for a charity event a few days ago. And
when they parted ways, Bush had a very nice goodbye
gesture. He patted her ass. Mind you, this is a pat, not a
tap. The story Hatcher gave on leno was, she has calssic
cars and Bush wanted to show Teri the inside of his new
Mercedes. Afterwards Bush decided to steal a kiss and
cop a feel. I say go Bush. If I were in his shoes, I would
have my secret service keep her in the car and bring her
back to the retirement pad and keep her as a Desperate
Houseslave. But then I couldn't gawk at her cleavage on
network TV. Its ok. Teri is completely trashy. She
will get over it.
Video: Bush Sr. pats that ass