Crossing the Blues

Jon Gosselin Is Stoned

Posted by mista
A video surfaced today of Jon Gosselin with his ex-girlfriend Hailey Glassman on a patio in St.Tropez, France where they are bad mouthing the French and possibly stoned. According to they had been smoking spliffs the entire weekend and were "out of their minds". This is probably the most boring video I have ever seen and the only thing that makes it watchable is the quick shot of Hailey Glassman's cleavage. This is basically just a way for Hailey to cling on to her 15 minutes of fame and since Radar will post just about any bullshit a d-lister hands them, she got an extension on her time. Anyway, Jon and Kate Plus 8 is not coming back so I truely don't give a fuck what happens to this guy anymore.