More than likely, since it was a public affair, we will never hear the end of the
back and forth bitching between Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston. According
to sources Brad Pitt recently called Jen to tell her that it was uncool to call
Brangelina "uncool." What Aniston told Vogue magazine was that the fact that
Brad got a divorce after meeting Jolie on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith and
him leaving her for Jolie was "very uncool." After a number of failed relationships
on Aniston's part, I believe that she is the one who is uncool. Just look at how cool
Brad Pitt is. He's got a hot wife, beautiful ever expanding family and has all the
Hollywood work one guy can tackle at a time. That is cool in my book. What Aniston?
You think perfect blonde hair and millions of dollars will make you poular? I don't
think so. Just because you have a c-cup and an ass that you can bounce a quarter
off of doesn't make... ok ,yes you are cool. Now will you please have sex with me?