Crossing the Blues

Well Amy Winehouse is now in the hospital again because she is having chest
pains again because she is still smoking crack and meth again. This chick will
never learn. The pains were so bad at one point that she thought she may have
breast cancer. Turns out that that wasn't the problem. Instead she was diagnosed
with "scarring of the lungs." Ouch! as a result of this her friends and family are
begging her to quit smoking cigarettes. Ha! That will never happen. She even
covered herself in nicotine patches at one point. That sounds like a good idea,
maybe she could put a few on her face to cover up those scars. People magazine
had this to say, "She has been told to give up smoking and was initially struggling

with that – she was covered in nicotine patches at one point," says the source.
"But she is making an effort."An effort my ass. If she really wanted to get clean
she would lock herself up in rehab for a couple of months not a couple of days
and shave that fugly ass behive of hers off her head. After that and only after
that will people start to like her again. I am different than most people. I have
never heard an Amy Winehouse song and I am richer for it. Therefore I can
throw in my 2 cents on what needs to be done in he life without the bias that a
fan might have.