Crossing the Blues

Get Out And Vote!

Posted by mista

No not for president. Go to and vote for your favorite honeys.
I looked through all 100 honeys and they are all worthy of your vote. I
have chosen my favorite though. #1. Becki Lockwood. Don't get me wrong,
there are some others like Candy Summers and Anna Watts. There are
dozens to choose from so take a look through. If you cannot find one that
you like then you have officially become a homosexual. I know it is Hallo-
ween and you may have better things to do, but after you are done handing
out Halloween candy or trick-or-treating with your kids or whatever your
tradition is, go to FHM and vote! All these honeys are smokin' hot and if
the honey you chose wins, they will come to your house and give you a lap-