Crossing the Blues

Oh My Fucking God

Posted by mista

I throw this in your face bloggers. Everyone out there that looked at the Tara Reid
bikini pictures the other day and said Tara Reid looks hot. She may be able to redeem
herself. I show you THIS. As we can clearly see that Tara Reid has not redeemed her-
self and is just as gross and nauseating as ever. This is a serious case of cellulite. I
actually haven't seen a worse case since Britney Spears but this one takes the taco.
Literally. What she is doing at the beach I have no idea. There are rules on some U.S.
beaches such as no skinny dipping,no glass bottles allowed and no bon fires. There should
be a rule on the beaches of California where paparazzis swarm, NO CELLULITE.
I would continue posting on this matter but I have to run to the bathroom to puke now.