Aside from being married to one of the top 10 ugliest people in the history of man,
Madonna, Guy Ritchie has something else to cry about. Apparently he is all choked
up about his only biological child Rocco wearing a Yankees t-shirt. Of course it isn't
his disgust for the baseball team that lead him to tears. It is the fact that Madonna
is dating the baseball player Alex Rodriguez. I say let kids be kids. If he is wearing
the shirt it is probably because The Yankees are one of the best baseball teams in
all of history. Guy is looking at it as if Rocco was wearing a shirt saying "Team Madonna."
The divorce is predicted to get pretty nasty. It even came to the point where Guy said
she was, "old,fat,ugly and wrinkled." Well YEA! We all know that about Madonna.
Granted Madonna doesn't have cellulite like alot of celebs out there but she has
disgusting little muscles that pop out when she is on stage and her hands rank right
up there with Sarah Jessica Parker on looking like witch hands. I don't see why Guy
would be upset at all. Madonna has a fortune of over $500 million and he is about
to get a big chunk out of that. Not to mention, HE WILL GET RID OF MADONNA.
This guy should be dancing in circles and singing Singing In The Rain.