The special day comes once a year. A time to be thankful. A time to share time
with loved ones. A time to remember what you are thankful for. And time to eat
like you just got back from a POW camp! I will probably start with turkey and
yams and work my wqay down to the roast beef. If they sold triptofan in liquid
for I would inject it into my veins after Thursday football. Speaking of eating,
more and more celebrities are starving themselves in order to fit into those
smaller dress sizes. one of whom is Britney Spears and the much less popular
Shenae Grimes. You may be asking yourself, who is Shenae Grimes? Does it
matter? No. Because she is doing what so little celebrities are doing these days.
Starving themselves for my viewing pleasure. And for that I am eternally great-
ful. So as I shove food down my pie hole all day today I will think and be thank-
ful for the celebrities out there who are superficial enough to go without food to
make themselves sexy in the name of sexyness. Thank you. Amen.