Crossing the Blues
Jessica Alba is a terrific actress. She is beautiful, she is talented and I am sure she is a very good mother. But I am starting to think she is not the brightest bulb in the box. Here she is making the case for some no name congressman that chemicals can harm people when they are exposed to the water supply. Does anyone give a shit about leaking chemicals? Is this an epidemic in any of the 50 states? Who cares? I know this congressperson was probably invited to some party that Jessica was at and he approached her and Jessica was thinking, "Hey! This guy is wearing a suit. He must be important. He just said something about chemicals. Is he a drug addict? He is talking politics? He is a congressman? OMG he could make me look smart like Natalie Portman. I will bend over backwards to do anything for this man. etc" And that is how Jessica got bamboozled into this ridiculous press conference where she is wearing a very unsexy pant suit.