OK I have not had the internet for the past week and just when the net goes down, Lindsay goes down too. I am back now and I am very pleased to report that Lindsay Lohan will finally be out of the tabloids, at least for a little while while she does time in the clink. She was sentenced to 90 days in jail but TMZ is reporting that she may only do 23 days. I hope she gets the full 90 day sentence. And check this shit out, she has until July 20th to turn herself in. That give her damn near two weeks to slip up and fall off the wagon and get more time behind bars. She is also going to be interviewed by a court appointed psychologist to see if she should do more or less time in the slammer. Also, she wrote "fuck you" on her fingernail apparently as a message to the judge. But who knows what the fuck she was thinking. This made me especially happy so I decided to celebrate with a pack of red bull. Without the Jager that is. Sorry Linds. Not everyone is as fucked up as you are. LOL!