Levi Johnston, if you recall, talked mad shit about the Palin family and Sarah Palin after he broke shit off with Bristol Palin but now they have mended fences and Levi and Bristol are engaged. I think I reported on this yesterday but that isn't todays news. No today is about how Sarah hates Levi and wants him to go away. I think having Levi in the family when Sarah runs for president in the futre, and I know she will, will cause a conflict showing that even her own family has bad shit to say about her. I am gonna go see if she had anything bad to say about him in her book Going Rouge which I am reading right now because I am fascinated by Sarah Palin but could generally care less about the tabloids today because it is smeared with shit about Mel Gibson which I can not discern, one way or the other, why anyone would care what this douche bag has to say. He will never work again. END!