Lindsay Lohan in a desperate attempt to avoid her jail sentence has checked herself into a rehab treatment facility which will only hurt her case because it will make her look like she can get clean by July 20th which is clearly impossible. Anyway, Robert Shapiro who helped O.J. Simpson get away with murder is representing Lindsay now and I doubt he will be able to get her jail sentence eliminated and if the stars are aligned with the Gods then it won't get her jail sentence reduced either. I am not sure how Lindsay plans on payiong for Shapiro but it may have to do with the post jail interview money. Not that there will be any money if he gets the jail sentence eliminated so if you think about it, Shapiro is at a crossroads here. Do a good job or get paid. Stupid fucking case to take when you think about it. I mean going from trial of the century to repping some crackhead who could give a fuck about anyone except herself? What a fucking moron!