It is being reported that Rihanna's family, doesn't this bitch have a last name,
is hoping that after this manner is resolved that she will move on from Chris
Brown. After the abuse occured it sent a shock wave through Rihanna's family
because Chris Brown was always so gentle with Rihanna. Well they do not
think that anymore. One family member says, " He was always looking after
her needs, making sure she was very happy." Where does a quick right hook
to the eye qualify as " looking after her needs?" Anyway I am sick of this
story and I want it to go away until one of two things happen. 1. Chris Brown
is taken to trial and he loses or 2. Rihanna finally comes back out to the public
eye. Who will she hook up with next? Will she try to bury her pain in a lot of
late night drinking games at clubs? Sounds good to me. I have a feeling that
Rihanna will no longer be a goody good after all of this. But we will see.