TMZ has officially leaked the photo the cops took of Rihanna the night she
got her ass kicked by Chris Brown. I shouldn't say TMZ leaked it, a police
officer leaked it. Since it was in the hands of the LAPD it was just a matter
of time before it hit the internet and I am glad it did. Not because I want
to see Rihanna bruised and bloody, because I want the world to see what
a monster Chris Brown is. I can not tell from the picture but I think her
nose is broken and you can see very clear contussions on the sides of her
forehead. It looks like Chris beat her from both ends and used both of
his fists. There were umors just after this story broke that Rihanna
actually lost conscienceness after the beating. After seeing this photo
I would not be surprised if that was the case at all. I am sure Rihanna
will heal up in the coming weeks and she will be back in the public eye
and she will look as good as ever. No word on when the Chris Brown trial
will begin. It seems outside from the leaked photo most of this case is
under lock and key which sucks but it is the LAPD that is handling it so
all of the details will be out soon enough.