Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel make about the most boring couple in
Hollywood. To change that, they are moving to New York, New York to
become the most boring couple in New York. Justin's mother Lynn Harless
says," The apartment is great. He's loving it." Why the fuck are they going
to go froma killer pad in Hollywood to a cramped up shitty little apartment
in New York? I guess they want to have more sex with each other and it
makes it easier to do so when you are constantly touching each other when
you are in a cramped little space. Will they get married? Doubt it. Justin
is still in the closet and I am sure that him getting hitched to a girl with
real live boobies scares the piss out of him. Jessica Biel will never find any-
one after she splits with J.T. She is way too butch. Estimated dating time
left 1 month 16 days 12 hours 3 minutes and 49 seconds.