Desperate for anumber of things, but this time it is desperation to get herself
pregnant. She calls all the pregnancy rumors circulating around her hysterical.
However they wouldn't be so hysterical if she could find a boyfriend and actually
settle down and, in the long run, GET HERSELF PREGNANT. She also commented
on the recent issue of Vogue that published on the cover Jen's quote saying
what Angelina did to her was "very uncool." She told Entertainment Weekly, " I
am just surprised that Vogue would go so tabloid." Even Vogue would go to the
extend of being considered "tabloid" to rub yet another "Jen got dissed" story in
their headlines. There just isn't a lot of material here for Jen, she is perfect in every
way. She doesn't go out clubbing. She doesn't abuse drugs or alcohol. And she went
from being married to one of the richest actors of all time to being left for some
morbid goth chick that is Angelina Jolie. So making fun of Aniston for getting
stood up is kinda all people have to write about. But I am not complaining. Hell
I enjoy it.