Crossing the Blues

Jeremy Piven Is A Sicko

Posted by mista

I never really liked Jeremy Piven. He has an inferiority complex and that
makes me stand-offish. He did star in one movie that is probably one of my
favorite movies of all time. Stag. It was a made for tv HBO film that was re-
leased in 1997 I think. Since then he plays a dorky publicist or manager or
whatever the fuck he is on Entourage. So I am not a fan. Just recently he
fell sick and had to be pulled out of a Broadway play. He was having symptoms
of chronic fatigue. When he went to the doctor he found out that it was because
of a toxin poisoning from eating too much sushi. This would be more funny if
he wasn't in such a critical condition. What the hell? It is still funny. He will
be back being the dumbass he is on wether Broadway or Entourage or
maybe the big screen. I could say that I will be watching for him, but I would
be lying.