Crossing the Blues

I love Heidi Montag. I really do! She just recently turned 22. I don't know what the
exact date was but that is whats going around Hollywood. I am very VERY surprised
that she didn't have a $100,000 birthday blow out at some Hollywood club. She was
very quiet about it. Its her 22nd birthday! Shouldn't she be passed out drunk in a
bar somewhere. No, she was very quiet. Too quiet actually. Is something wrong?
Is she sick? In a couple of days she will be on the beach somewhere in a bikini and
tipping the paparazzi off to that fact. So why no blowout for her B-Day? I think
this is a stunt. A reverse psychology stunt on Heidi part to make the paparazzi
think that Heidi DIDN'T want them there, so now that she is out and about and
didn't make a big deal about her birthday they will be even more inclined to follow
her around and take pictures. Very smart Heidi. Very smart.