As you all know or may not know Britney Spears liscense has been suspended for an
indeterminable amount of time. She was originally scheduled to have a court date
today to find out whether or not she will get her liscense back. But that court date has
been moved back to Oct.16! Damn! Judge James Steele is reviewing the case and the
accompanying statutes to determine whether or not to send it to trial. Depending on
what he thinks, the case may be thrown out entirely. This looks good for Britney.
She hasn't been driving for months and I think 90% of her sanity has returned since
then. I am still curious on whether or not she is going to buy that sweet Chateau
Suenos house. That house is the shit. Strange how she can afford such expensive
stuff yet can't even legally drive herself from place to place. Despite of this, I think
things are looking up for Britney. Source