Crossing the Blues

This guy never gives up. Kid Rock performed at the VMA's for those of you who
didn't watch it and it wasn't a bad performance. However, I am not a fan of Kid Rock
simply because he cannot think up of an original riff and when he performed at the
VMA's he was stealing the Sweet Home Alabama riff. It just sounds really tacky.
And to top that off he sung a duet with Lil' Wayne on the SAME SONG. I have no
problem with being diverse music wise but to intentionally mix old school rock and
roll wit modern hip-hop just makes for bad music. Here are somes quotes from
The Mirror, "Trust Kid Rock to get the party started. We hear the singer was chucked
out of the VMA after-show bash for trashing the furniture. An insider said:' Kid
jumped on tables and chairs and crashed through one table. And he broke around
20 glasses.' Sounds like a smashing time." Jesus. If this guy spent all the time
he spends trying to drum up publicity in the recording studio writing original
sounding songs, he may go quadriple platinum again. He is 38 and he acts like
a drugged up 23 year old. Like I said before, I dig Kid Rock but he needs to grow
the fuck up.