Now I lnow what those guys in the movie
"Paparazzi" muct have felt. When there isn't
any news, make your own. Which I assume is
the case this weekend. There hasn't been a
celebrity news update since Friday. And even
the mainstream tabloids haven't budged. So
with all this, Lohan decided to make the Paparazzi
themselves the story. She was seen at the corner
of Sunset and Olive near a dog park freaking out
over "spies" who were following her. She said
they were in a silver 4Runner. The two men
were actually Paparazzi, and this fact seemed to
shock Lohan. She noticed the 4Runner moving
towards her Escalade and she sped off, only to be
followed by the Paparazzi. In one hand I am
saying "Lindsay Lohan is paranoid" on the
other I am saying " She is doing the smart thing
and making news out of the news makers when
there is no news. Either way, she looks freaky in
her holloween garb. I think it is some ninja
bathrobe cobo. And I think thats a 7 inch Tampon
in her right hand.