Director Prem of ‘Jogi’ (Kannada movie) fame was dreaming of casting Kollywood’s (Tamil Cinema) current hot actress Tamanna in his next film ‘Preethi Eke Bhoomi Melidhe’ where he is playing the lead role but this dream has turned into a nightmare. The actress is said to have politely said “No” on hearing the script from the director cum actor.
Tamanna has become a demanded actress following her good performance in ‘Kedi’. Now, she has bagged two new Tamil films, which has young actors as her heroes. However, she has turned down the offer from hat trick director Prem. Consolation news for movie lovers is that Prem has got Bollywood bombshell Mallika Sherawat to do an item number in the film. She is said to have been paid a whooping amount for the number.