Crossing the Blues
As of 10:11 today Jaime Pressley announced that
she is officially engaged to Eric Cubiche. They have
been "together" for 9 years and are now making
it permanent. This is sad. When girls like Jaime
get engaged to guys like Eric, it makes me feel
like paparazzi flash bulbs have deteriorated hot
womens brain matter. I call it the Xtina syndrome.
Cause as everyone knows, Christina Aguileras
husband does not deserve her in any way.
However Jaime does has a killer Hollywood instinct
on when to get engaged. She is getting engaged
One day before her release of J'aime (don't know
what that is) at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel
tommorow.However I will go ahead and congratulate
her and act like it isn't a publicity stunt. Now if you'll
excuse me, I have to go superimpose my head onto
this guys body.