Did you hear that? It was the sound of KFed's
album dropping. It sounded like a thumbtack hitting
tile. Today KFed proved that all white wigger rappers,
no matter what celeb they are married to, will never
sell an amount of records worth mentioning.I am not sure
what the stats will be at the end of the week. But I am
sure all their advertising has been wasted.So far
Cleveland and NYC has cancelled his concerts due to
lack of interest. He claims to be "America's Most
Hated" and he is. Apparently moping around with
Britney Spears' fatass and neglecting his kids don't
stimulate album sales.Overall, he will probably rake
in enough cash to secure him for another year after
Britney leaves his ass, and he will probably use that
on a weekend in Vegas. I'll be watching the Billboard
Kevin. I'll probably see my name there before yours.