Lindsay Lohan has been in rehab for a while now but I have been busy and didn't have time to blog about it. Also, I didn't wanna do a 3 page post on how pissed off I am that this little cunt isn't rotting in a jail cell. According to a few sources LiLo will beg the judge to not go back to jail and instead stay in rehab where she will pull one over, again, on the staff and get them to release her early where she will no doubtedly use drugs again. This bitch is a broken record and the only thing that will get her sober is if she is scared straight by going to jail. And none of that "safe jail" bullshit. Put her out in the regular public. Make her go to dinner with these other criminals and let her get her ass beat a few times before putting her in administrative segregation. Anyway, here is the first pic of her in rehab and she looks a lot better than the first pics of Britney Spears in rehab when those pics surfaced (shaved head) but that isn't saying much.